Signing the MoU with Indo American Business chamber of SME

With the Portuguese delegate Ms Leonor Cardoso in Lucknow meeting with Shri Swatantra Dev Singh , DM Lucknow Mr Gangwar and Signing the MoU with Indo American Business chamber of SME at  Lucknow office

a state-level “round table discussions” was co-hosted by Indo-American Business Chamber of SME, Lucknow to discuss concrete ways in which rural entrepreneurship can be promoted at scale in Uttar Pradesh.
The round table was also co-hosted by UP State Rural Livelihood Mission (UPSRLM), Transform Rural India Foundation (TRIF) and Development Alternatives (DA) and IABC to bring together stakeholders from government, academia, civil society, financial institutions and private sector to share learnings from various rural entrepreneurship programs and discuss new ideas for accelerating micro-entrepreneurship in rural areas.

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The Indo-American Business Chamber of SME & The Indo-American Friends Group work to create and sustain an environment conducive to the development of India, partnering industry, Government, and civil society, through advisory and consultative processes.